My Blog

I dive into subjects related to chronic ailments and how to finally feel relief from them.

Your Diagnosis is Not Your Prognosis

Your Diagnosis is Not Your Prognosis

A diagnosis is just a name. Many people believe the prognosis of an illness is unchangeable. But it's not. You can change your prognosis and experience better than an average outcome, no matter what your condition. Popular Posts The Epidemic of Loneliness (What to do...

Do Want Average Health?

Do Want Average Health?

Chronic illness has become normal. But that doesn't mean that chronic illness is healthy. Most people settle for normal, but we should be striving for exceptional health -- not just average. Popular Posts The Epidemic of Loneliness (What to do About it) Your Body CAN...

Don’t Let Brain Fog Take Over Your Life

Don’t Let Brain Fog Take Over Your Life

Brain fog is a serious condition which mainstream medicine doesn't recognize as important, and therefore doesn't offer any solutions for it. There are simple things you can do to think clearly, boost your energy, and feel in control. Download my free ebook to learn...

There is Proof That Stress Affects Health

There is Proof That Stress Affects Health

In this video I talk about the medical conditions which are made worse and even caused by chronic exposure to stress hormones. There is biologic proof that common conditions like heart disease, diabetes, insomnia, autoimmune diseases, reflux, anxiety and many more are...

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