Believe your health is excellent. No matter how you feel now. No matter what your diagnosis. No matter what has happened to you in the past.
The quickest and surest way to activate your body’s healing power is to believe your health is excellent. Because your health in the future is determined by how your body functions today.
You may be scratching your head, thinking “That can’t be right…” We are so accustomed to thinking that a food, or a medicine, or a vitamin, or some other THING is the key to good health. But they’re not.
Or you may say, “I can’t do that. I got __________ [fill in the blank medical condition]. How can I say my health is excellent? Isn’t just not.”
Either way, you probably think this idea is crazy. But it’s not.
There are thousands of research studies performed over the past 60+ years which demonstrate that what you think about your health now predicts your health in the future.
People who rate their health as excellent recover more quickly after surgery, are less likely to get the common cold, are more likely to get back to work after having a heart procedure, are less likely to lose teeth in old age, etc. What you think about your health can even predict your chance of dying from an autoimmune disease.
Good health starts from within. (So does poor health, for that matter.) Good health starts before you take a medication or see a doctor. Because good health starts with what you think.
Your underlying beliefs about your body — how much you trust your body to maintain health — and about your own personal health “set point” (in other words, your judgment about how healthy you are) triggers a cascade of neurotransmitters and hormones which then activate your immune system and regulate your body’s self repair responses.
When you believe your health is excellent, your body responds by producing health-promoting hormones and neurotransmitters. Your body repairs damage, fights infection, and optimizes the function of each and every cell.
So if you want to activate your body’s healing power, start by believing in it. Say your health is excellent. Or, if you feel saying that your health is excellent is lying, instead try saying “My health has the potential to be excellent.” Because it’s true. Your health does have the potential to be excellent, no matter how you feel right now.