My Blog

I dive into subjects related to chronic ailments and how to finally feel relief from them.

Is it shi*t? Or is it FERTILIZER?

Is it shi*t? Or is it FERTILIZER?

When I was a child, every spring the neighbors who lived behind us (the Hoosier family) got a truck load of horse manure dumped all over their backyard. It was premium horsesh*t, courtesy of Mrs. Hoosier's father who was a mushroom farmer. (An FYI for those who don't...

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How Theoretical Physics Can Change Your Health

How Theoretical Physics Can Change Your Health

How theoretical physics can change your health.  First, a disclaimer: Physics is my kryptonite. Something about the subject makes my head spin. Remembering organic chemistry and calculus are no problem, but when I try to recall anything from my year of college physics...

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Stop Ironing Your Underwear

Stop Ironing Your Underwear

It is fun to be back with you and it’s been a little while since I’ve been here. I want to talk today about why you should stop ironing your underwear.Yes, I just said that.Now, you may say to yourself, I don’t iron my underwear, why are you telling me to stop...

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Breathing is Medicine

Breathing is Medicine

I want to talk about the simple but powerful thing that you can do for your health. This is probably the most powerful thing and the easiest thing to do that can affect your health both now and in the long term. And it’s something that you have at your disposal all...

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Did You Know That Every Medication Label Says This?

Did You Know That Every Medication Label Says This?

Today, I want to ask you if you ever read the big long package insert that comes with medications. Probably not, I don't even read them, I just gloss over them because too much information. So, you probably don't know that this one phrase is contained within pretty...

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Reverse Engineering is the New Frontier of Health

Reverse Engineering is the New Frontier of Health

Conventional medicine finds new treatments by looking at smaller and smaller parts of the body, targeting specific cells or proteins or biochemical systems. This approach isn't working and doesn't have fully predictable or consistent results. This approach ignores the...

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Your Diagnosis is Not Your Prognosis

Your Diagnosis is Not Your Prognosis

A diagnosis is just a name. Many people believe the prognosis of an illness is unchangeable. But it's not. You can change your prognosis and experience better than an average outcome, no matter what your condition. Popular Posts The Epidemic of Loneliness (What to do...

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