Stop Ironing Your Underwear

by Fatigue

It is fun to be back with you and it’s been a little while since I’ve been here. I want to talk today about why you should stop ironing your underwear.

Yes, I just said that.

Now, you may say to yourself, I don’t iron my underwear, why are you telling me to stop something I’m not doing?

So let me tell you a story about what I’m talking about. Many years ago, before I started doing that health coaching work I do now, I worked with a woman who was constantly complaining of fatigue. She worked a full-time job with me and had two kids and was running around after them but she was constantly saying I’m so tired, I’m so tired I can’t get anything done and I don’t have any energy.

When I really talked with her about it she said, well, I was up really late last night doing my ironing, and if you know anything about me, I don’t like ironing. I mean ironing boards we’re not good friends. But she was up really late at night ironing, and I said “You iron?” and she said “Oh yeah every week.”

“You iron everything like your sheets?”, I asked. “Oh yeah iron my sheets and my underwear.” Yeah, I iron my underwear she told me.
So she was spending a tremendous amount of time ironing clothing that no one would ever see, and that doesn’t need to be ironed, at least in my opinion, and I think in the opinion of most people.

So what I mean by not ironing your underwear is don’t do things that control trivial and unimportant aspects of life.
I thought at the time when I heard my friend saying that she was ironing underwear, I thought “Oh I don’t do anything that silly.” Then I started to look at my life what I was doing, and spending my time on.

I was spending a tremendous amount of time cleaning up and chasing after my kids, and putting things back into imaginary perfect boxes, and the day that I found myself yelling at my daughter for carrying a dress-up hat upstairs because it wasn’t supposed to be an upstairs toy.

I knew I was doing the equivalent of ironing underwear.

My challenge for you today is to see what it is that you might be doing that is trying to control something that is not important, and ask yourself, how much energy is this taking, and is this really a good use of my energy and my time?

Because energy really is limited. We don’t have a ton of time to do things during the day, and we end up spending a lot of time doing things that may not be important.

I have a new fatigue recovery program that I’m just launching now, and this is one little step in the whole program.
But if you like this video and you’re interested, let me know, I would love to make sure that I’m reaching you, and you’re hearing things that you’d like to hear.

So once again, I’m Dr. Elizabeth Hughes. I wish you all the best of health, and when you are ready to make some changes to your level of fatigue and energy in life, let me know because I have non-medical ways of helping you get from fatigue and fed up, to feeling on fire with a fatigue proof life without any medications or supplements or diets.